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Oduen aus Graf

Добавлено: 01 ноя 2023, 19:02
Jean (Jakob) Oduen was born in approximately 1788, probably in France. He served in Napoleon's army and fought against the Russians. He was captured by the Russians, and in 1812, was settled in the Volga German colony of Graf.
The parish register of Graf records the marriage of Jakob Oduen from France to Margaretha Haas from Graf on 23 November 1815.
He is recorded on the 1834 census of Graf in Household No. 50, on the 1850 census of Graf in Household No. 62, and on the 1857 census of Graf in Household No. 71.
The death of Jakob Oduen is recorded in the parish register of Graf on 2 March 1867.


Иван 2017 писал(а): 05 ноя 2018, 19:53 РГИА Ф. 383 Оп. 29. Д. 898. Л. 32. Из ведомости военнопленных, отпущенных в саратовские колонии (имеется в виду на заработки) по 1 августа 1813 г.:
№ / Имена военнопленных / У кого находятся
72. Франц Шуви, 8-го пехотно-егерскаго полка, француз.
73. Жак Отуенг, 8-го пехотно-егерскаго полка, француз.