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Bock aus Katharinenstadt

Добавлено: 04 ноя 2023, 12:46
Pleva, Band 2, S. 296

94. Bock, Adolph, 40, luth., Schuhmacher
aus Hessen, Grünberg
Frau: Elisabeth Hell, 30, aus Darmstadt
in der Kolonie eingetroffen am 5.3.1767
Kuhlberg's Liste S. 37

Bock Adolph, Luth., shoemaker from Gruenberg, doc. No. 151, wife:
Elisabeth, children: Johann, 1/2, Anna, 3
https://volga.domains.unf.edu/surnames/ ... rinenstadt

Spelling Variations:
Bock (Katharinenstadt)*
Бокъ (Katharinenstadt)*
Settled in the Following Colonies:
Pre-Volga Origin:
Grünberg, Kr. Gießen, Hessen
Discussion & Documentation:
Adolph Bock, a shoemaker, his wife Elisabeth, and children (Anna, age 3; Johann, age ½) arrived from Lübeck at the port in Oranienbaum on 12 May 1766 aboard the galliot Anna Catharina with the skipper Daniel Geier at the helm.

Adolph Bock, a cobbler (Schuhmacher), and his wife Elisabeth Hell are recorded on the 1767 census of Katharinenstadt in Household No. 94. They had settled there on 5 March 1767.

Both the Kuhlberg list and the 1767 Census record that Adolph Bock came from the German village of Grünberg. The 1767 census records that Elisabeth Hell came from the German region of Darmstadt.

There are no known surviving male lines of this Bock family among the Volga German colonies.

Как мы видим, потомков по мужской линии не осталось, но могли остаться по женской от брака дочери первопоселенцев
Johanna Maria mit Heinrich Reichert
Revision 1798

Kal02 Elisabeth Dorothea Bock h 63 widow, maiden name: Geller; deceased husband: Adolf Bock
Johanna Maria d 27
Heinrich Reichert sl 41 from Boisroux
Johann Jakob gs 6 mo
Katharina gd 6
По крайней мере согласно переписи в 1857 фамилия Райхерт все еще проживала в Катариненштадт.
Я нашел подтверждение в фамильной книге Грюнберг, что Адольф Бокк действительно происходит оттуда.
